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2024 MBB Coaches Carousel

Wow crazy, Linder was one of the hottest names in coaching circles with that Ike, Maldonado year.

Just couldn’t retain his talent in the portal era.

The year before last he portaled in 3 lazy bench-type transfers from UCLA and USC and completely blew up the team chemistry. The Cali guys walked off in mid-season and JL lost his core players, who felt backstabbed. JL couldn't leave well enough alone. Ike was gone earlier anyway due to NIL, but Linder lost some other very key guys. Attendance fell. And WYO BB has no NIL to speak of.

Probably good he's leaving because the program is a huge mess now and there's no way he can dig his way out of it. Pretty much self inflicted wounds.

Wow crazy, Linder was one of the hottest names in coaching circles with that Ike, Maldonado year.

Just couldn’t retain his talent in the portal era.
BTW, Ike reportedly informed Linder of his transfer to Gonzaga the same day that JL was at his (JL's) dad's funeral in Colorado. Tough world.....
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wtf GIF
Wow, this is going to end so badly. This dude was doing the bottom of the barrel high school pep talk circuit recently.

Well, he turned Wisconsin-Green Bay from 3-29 to 18-14 in one year. Was on Linder's staff at UW. Horizon is a low bar conference for sure but that's not cold beans. Plus Wicks is a Wyoming native and is less likely to bolt than other guys. That's the theory anyway. The Linder regime was quickly circling the drain - not all JL's fault but the breakup was a good idea for both parties. I think Linder will have success somewhere but he's an odd duck.
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Wow, just wow. Talk about a career killer. There's no way his demeanor and coaching philosophy are embraced by NBA players, especially LeGM LeChump.
Career killer in the sense that Rick Pitino and John Calipari killed their careers when they jumped to the NBA? I think Danny will be fine if the Lakers fire him in in two years. And he’s surely going to get PAID.