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The 1 constant from Dan, for the past 5 years, is his posturing as a philosophical guru. "you have to be a man", you have to face the fire", etc.

So now that everyone knows his future, now that recruting is suffering due to uncertainty, why doesn't he resign, effective year end?

People may feel bad for Danny's trying hard and not suceeding. But no one should accept this kind of hypocrisy

Go Buffs
Because people on here don't understand how coach Hawk works (understandably). Those of you who have suggested he's quit or is laughing to the bank are dead wrong. The man is driven to succeed here. He hasn't in 5 years. We know he won't. He doesn't know that. No competitor does. He needs to be fired, etc, etc,etc! My only point is the personal attacks aren't justified. He wants to win worse than we do
Because people on here don't understand how coach Hawk works (understandably). Those of you who have suggested he's quit or is laughing to the bank are dead wrong. The man is driven to succeed here. He hasn't in 5 years. We know he won't. He doesn't know that. No competitor does. He needs to be fired, etc, etc,etc! My only point is the personal attacks aren't justified. He wants to win worse than we do

You mean dedicated to win by running players off so his son could be QB? Yes he is really driven to win!! The guy throws kids under the Bus constantly and he is some sort of saint to you. Bernard Jackson screwed up big time and needed a hand - only the guys from Barnett's staff were there to help. I could go on but this guy is no saint.
I don't think he's claiming Hawk to be a Saint. It's just that Hawk likely believes that he can turn it around, as absurd as that sounds.

Plus, I think there is a feeling among the coaching fraternity that resigning is another way of laying down or giving up. I doubt that's the impression that any coach wants to give. They want to go down swinging.
Hypocricy is Dan telling his players and talking during the Tuesday presser about dealing with adversity, standing up to your problems, not running away. All the while having left the post-game presser early because he didn't want to answer questions about his future.

"Do as i say, not as i do" isn't leadership. It's douchebaggery.
I'm no Dan Hawkins expert, and I don't play one on TV.

But IMO, Hawkins would consider himself more of a hypocrite if he resigned. His dad was a logger, and was a blue collar guy who wouldn't walk away from a contract. To resign infront of his players and his coaches is quitting. Quitting is not in Dan Hawkin's character. He won't quit. He will keep chipping away. He will keep plugging. He will cinch it up and go through the fire. He will keep a PMA and seek to clean up a few little things.
I'm no Dan Hawkins expert, and I don't play one on TV.

But IMO, Hawkins would consider himself more of a hypocrite if he resigned. His dad was a logger, and was a blue collar guy who wouldn't walk away from a contract. To resign infront of his players and his coaches is quitting. Quitting is not in Dan Hawkin's character. He won't quit. He will keep chipping away. He will keep plugging. He will cinch it up and go through the fire. He will keep a PMA and seek to clean up a few little things.

If true, this is as misguided as anything he's done here. Part of being a man is recognizing your capabilities and giving up the job if you just can't do it. If his 5 year B12 road record can't convince him that he's short of the required coaching ability, it's ignorance, not perseverance, that keeps him going.
If true, this is as misguided as anything he's done here. Part of being a man is recognizing your capabilities and giving up the job if you just can't do it. If his 5 year B12 road record can't convince him that he's short of the required coaching ability, it's ignorance, not perseverance, that keeps him going.

If there is a fatal character flaw, it points towards an over-inflated ego and excessive pride. Maybe megalomania, too. Both of these traits are common in the head coaching profession.

I'd say Hawkins is incompetent relative to the big 12 conference.
I'd say his chain of command has been negligent in getting infront of the problem earlier. A de-emphasis on a commitment to winning has been a constant since atleast 2001. MiamiBuff makes a compelling case that it started when Gordon Gee left.
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I have mixed feelings, but if he had any integrity, IMO, he would resign. Simply approach MB, hammer out some terms, and announce he will be pursuing other opportunities. Hanging on to the bitter end when it is crystal clear you are not the man to succeed in the job is hardly something to admire. But in DH's case it is worse, his behavior is bringing the University into disrepute. In the end, Dan is all about Dan. He has no problem preaching what everybody else ought to be doing, but apparently has a great deal of difficulty living up to the supposed moral high ground he lectures from.

If DH were to do as I state above, he would get some mileage out of it when applying for the next job. He could quite legitimately say, I hung in there and did the best I could, but in the end it didn't work out. I knew I needed a fresh start and it was good for CU for us to part ways, so I did what was best in the situation. A new employer might look at that and say, he has integrity. Instead, DH sits around grumbling, blaming and bascially acting like a malcontent. I'd be surprised if he gets another coaching job acting like he is. If I were an AD, and I saw what he is doing and how he is acting, I wouldn't touch him. JMO.
Point out a D-1 coach that has willingly resigned. It just doesn't happen. Those coaches are viewed as quitters. That is just not how it works, whether or not it will help CU and its fans.

If true, this is as misguided as anything he's done here. Part of being a man is recognizing your capabilities and giving up the job if you just can't do it. If his 5 year B12 road record can't convince him that he's short of the required coaching ability, it's ignorance, not perseverance, that keeps him going.
Point out a D-1 coach that has willingly resigned. It just doesn't happen. Those coaches are viewed as quitters. That is just not how it works, whether or not it will help CU and its fans.

Bobby Jones resigned just this year at Vandy.


Unusual? Sure. Never happens? Hardly.

There are others:



Lou Holtz got the SC gig even after "quitting".

And, perhaps, most notably, Mac resigned/retired in 1994. I am pretty sure nobody thinks of him as a quitter.
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Here is all you need to know about this clown:

While everybody on this continent thinks he has completely failed at CU, he thinks he is a complete success here. The guy is certifiable.

Bobby Johnson retired 2 months before the season started unexpectedly for "personal reasons"....and was well liked at Vandy (where expectations are not as high, for sure)...despite a crappy 09 they did win a bowl game over BC the year before if i recall. and went 7-6. he wasn't feeling the heat at all. i went to Vandy for 2 years, still have Vandy friends, so i kinda follow the Commies but more in hoops.
Here is all you need to know about this clown:

While everybody on this continent thinks he has completely failed at CU, he thinks he is a complete success here. The guy is certifiable.

Exactly...that is why he keeps saying that it's not about winning and losing. He is convincing 'tricking' himself into believing he has done as good a job as anyone could and that he has nothing to be ashamed about or apologize for. His players are getting good marks because of him and will be good citizens because of him...coaching football is secondary...especially when you are not good at it!!!

The guy is a complete loser...anybody who lives their life through the words of others and has no way of filtering through the bs of most of these philosophers or applying teachings to their own life is a try hard and a fake!
Exactly...that is why he keeps saying that it's not about winning and losing. He is convincing 'tricking' himself into believing he has done as good a job as anyone could and that he has nothing to be ashamed about or apologize for. His players are getting good marks because of him and will be good citizens because of him...coaching football is secondary...especially when you are not good at it!!!

The guy is a complete loser...anybody who lives their life through the words of others and has no way of filtering through the bs of most of these philosophers or applying teachings to their own life is a try hard and a fake!
It's even more bizarre when four years ago he was saying either you are trying to win a NC or you aren't. And that he was the winningest HC in CFB. Anybody that can't see those two viewpoints are polar opposites of one another needs professional help.
Point out a D-1 coach that has willingly resigned. It just doesn't happen. Those coaches are viewed as quitters. That is just not how it works, whether or not it will help CU and its fans.

Others have done that, but it was hardly the point, which is that the guy is delusional when comparing his words and deeds.
He wants to win worse than we do

Bull. He's said so himself - "it's not about winning or losing, but being the right kind of person". I, for one, do not subscribe to this point of view. Winning should be his #1 priority, but it clearly is not. He even says so.
Because people on here don't understand how coach Hawk works (understandably). Those of you who have suggested he's quit or is laughing to the bank are dead wrong. The man is driven to succeed here. He hasn't in 5 years. We know he won't. He doesn't know that. No competitor does. He needs to be fired, etc, etc,etc! My only point is the personal attacks aren't justified. He wants to win worse than we do

HELLO? No, he doesn't. He said so himself. It's not about wins and losses, thanks but try again.
All sucky coaches are hypocrites. I could write a best selling novel on how many times Hawk has made hypocritical statements.
Bull. He's said so himself - "it's not about winning or losing, but being the right kind of person". I, for one, do not subscribe to this point of view. Winning should be his #1 priority, but it clearly is not. He even says so.

Would these thoughts meet the 4 Way Test???