Some folks are new to the board.
Some folks use "What's New" and don't realize what forum they're in.
Some folks are drunken idots.
Some folks are assholes with no filter.
Whichever category you may fall into (or categories), here's a bit to keep in mind with the Recruiting Forum.
This is not just about us all keeping informed and saying what's on our minds.
This is also where recruit profiles, indexed by name, direct a lot of AllBuffs traffic from search engines.
This site needs to be something that supports the CU program rather than harming it. All the mods and admins are unpaid volunteers who do this as a labor of love (and/or a symptom of mental disorders). We would quit if it started hurting CU.
Recruits, transfers and their families, friends, coaches and advisors find their Profiles here. Competitors looking for a negative recruiting angle find us.
Given the above, the Profiles are informational and a place for us to positively discuss the CU prospect, link new developments, and - yes - even discuss questions, concerns and our inexpert evaluations.
What we don't allow in addition to TOS violations like being a bigoted loser or enlightening us with your political obsessions are things like: player bashing, character assassination, making fun of how someone looks (this isn't fvcking Tinder), or ripping on a guy for not being up to your expert standard. Also, don't use Profile threads to blast CU, any coaches, Boulder, or any other bullsh!t that's grinding your gears and causes you to want to make a case for not going to CU.
In short: stifle your crap. The mod team has enough work to do without moving or deleting things. If you can't help yourself from dropping turds in our punch bowl, it's a quick way to get banned.
**** you With Love,
The Junta
Some folks use "What's New" and don't realize what forum they're in.
Some folks are drunken idots.
Some folks are assholes with no filter.
Whichever category you may fall into (or categories), here's a bit to keep in mind with the Recruiting Forum.
This is not just about us all keeping informed and saying what's on our minds.
This is also where recruit profiles, indexed by name, direct a lot of AllBuffs traffic from search engines.
This site needs to be something that supports the CU program rather than harming it. All the mods and admins are unpaid volunteers who do this as a labor of love (and/or a symptom of mental disorders). We would quit if it started hurting CU.
Recruits, transfers and their families, friends, coaches and advisors find their Profiles here. Competitors looking for a negative recruiting angle find us.
Given the above, the Profiles are informational and a place for us to positively discuss the CU prospect, link new developments, and - yes - even discuss questions, concerns and our inexpert evaluations.
What we don't allow in addition to TOS violations like being a bigoted loser or enlightening us with your political obsessions are things like: player bashing, character assassination, making fun of how someone looks (this isn't fvcking Tinder), or ripping on a guy for not being up to your expert standard. Also, don't use Profile threads to blast CU, any coaches, Boulder, or any other bullsh!t that's grinding your gears and causes you to want to make a case for not going to CU.
In short: stifle your crap. The mod team has enough work to do without moving or deleting things. If you can't help yourself from dropping turds in our punch bowl, it's a quick way to get banned.
The Junta