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MM is not going anywhere.

Word is that if MM does not beat CSU, he is GONE.

Here are some numbers for thought- Excluding the 2012 SJSU David Fales season, MM has a record of 12-37 (4-29 in conference games) dude has got to go.
Word is that if MM does not beat CSU, he is GONE.

Here are some numbers for thought- Excluding the 2012 SJSU David Fales season, MM has a record of 12-37 (4-29 in conference games) dude has got to go.
Word from whom? Honestly, If he can't beat CSU this year, I am not sure I would disagree with the decision.
Word is that if MM does not beat CSU, he is GONE.

Here are some numbers for thought- Excluding the 2012 SJSU David Fales season, MM has a record of 12-37 (4-29 in conference games) dude has got to go.
who's your source ? what's your association to the AD ?
that's a pretty big thing to post

I want this to work out but after last night I'm not there anymore but WHO would want to be HC for CU where there would be 3 coaches in 6 years ?
Word is that if MM does not beat CSU, he is GONE.

Here are some numbers for thought- Excluding the 2012 SJSU David Fales season, MM has a record of 12-37 (4-29 in conference games) dude has got to go.

I think it is fair to question if has what it takes to be a Pac-12 coach, but you do not need to downplay his success at SJSU to do so.
I would say that MM's seat is quite hot.

RG has removed almost every excuse for performance that we heard during the Embo/Hawk years. He isn't going to fritter away the new facilities on this guy, especially because the recruiting has been poor.
3-1 in non con and 2-7 in pac 12 play should not be hard to do. That is a low bar that HCMM has to clear.
Agreed, and 5-8 is a record many have predicted. They pull it together and add 3 Pac 12 wins and everybody will forget about last night. Time to focus on UMass.
I remember the year when Bill Mac was coach and CU stared the year 0-4. CU beat NU that year 20-10 and all was forgotten.
Doubt that happens this year but still remember that strange season like it was yesterday.
Duff is right, it's premature to speculate. For example, a loss to UMASS (based on last night, completely plausible) and MM might not make it to the CSU game. If we somehow manage to win the next 3 games, MM is very likely retained through this season. 3-10 will get him fired at the end, though. 4-9 might too.
Lost for words. If we go 0 fer conference he should be gone. If we go 2-2. He should watch for the hook. Hate this cycle we are on with coach changes, but this is big boy ball and with new unis, new facilities... Sad fan support shot in one night.
let's let it play out a bit. the team executed about as poorly as they have under MM last night. it was so discouraging. but, they could rally. it doesn't "feel" like we're moving quickly enough in the right direction at this point, but this season we only have the context of one game to go on.
I agree, it's too early. We lost to a WAC team (Fresno) the first game in 2001 and that season turned out okay. If we address the mental mistakes being made I think we are a descent team with the talent to pull some upsets.

In the past we had problems that take time to fix. We were being physically dominated on the field and that only gets fixed with time, lots of weight training and recruiting. Last night I saw a buff team that was physically dominant over it's opponent (except the O line in pass protection) but lost mostly because of mental mistakes. Mental mistakes can be fixed with good coaching in a short period of time which is why I still have some hope for this season. The questions is does MM and his staff have the coaching chops to fix the mental mistakes? Based on last night, I'm not so sure. We need to give them a little more time.
Definitely think ADRG has to have a heart to heart with HCMM and establish some very clear goals for the next few weeks.
I think MM can be a solid coach...I mean, he came in to a team of pansies...unfortunately, they haven't improved at all over that time.

I was a wee bit shocked they didn't give Cabral the reigns. The team listened to and responded to him on the sidelines.

I did also notice how Hawaii was getting injuries every other play to slow down our momentum. What really showed what they were doing is how one guy
would sit on the ground for 5 minutes and sit out ONE play and come running back in on the next one.

There really should be a rule saying if you come out injured you have to sit for x amount of plays or the entire drive or something.
I agree, it's too early. We lost to a WAC team (Fresno) the first game in 2001 and that season turned out okay. If we address the mental mistakes being made I think we are a descent team with the talent to pull some upsets.

In the past we had problems that take time to fix. We were being physically dominated on the field and that only gets fixed with time, lots of weight training and recruiting. Last night I saw a buff team that was physically dominant over it's opponent (except the O line in pass protection) but lost mostly because of mental mistakes. Mental mistakes can be fixed with good coaching in a short period of time which is why I still have some hope for this season. The questions is does MM and his staff have the coaching chops to fix the mental mistakes? Based on last night, I'm not so sure. We need to give them a little more time.

Mostly I agree. However, the typical fourth grader knows not to field a punt on the bounce. I wonder at the intelligence of the whole program at this point.
It's disheartening to compare us to Utah. They sell out and over 90% wear red. I saw one of their women's gymnastics meets this Spring and it was noted they regularly sell out for that too (17,000+)
And CU marketing has done everything in their power to move away from the classic CU "yellow-gold" color, which has left our fans a mish mash of grey, white, black and varying shades of gold.
Mostly I agree. However, the typical fourth grader knows not to field a punt on the bounce. I wonder at the intelligence of the whole program at this point.
Agree, the intelligence or lack of is very disturbing.
I am sad that MM didn't succeed, he's a good man and has been a good coach. I wish it were different.

Simple fact is though that if he were an absolute jerk but winning we wouldn't be having this discussion, his job is not to be a good guy it is to win.

We could still go 3-1 in OOC but as I posted weeks ago I don't see that happening. This team lacks the confindence and the leadership to win, M2 has failed to build that in them. From there who do we beat in conference? The PAC 12 has very few bad teams, only us and a couple of teams we don't play this year.

Money does matter and ticket sales mean money. I could easily see a difference of over 5000 tickets per game based on the dissapointment of last night and another failing season vs. a season with some hope and more wins. Even if you take a conservative estimate of $30.00 per paid fan in net revenue (ticket plus parking and refreshments) you are looking at $150,000 a game which gets close to 3/4 of a million dollars a season.

The program has seen major changes, talent is better, work attitude is better. It hasn't translated to wins and that is way that success is measured. If things don't turn soon then M2 will be replaced, that's how it works.

If/when it does M2 can blame himself for some of the failure. His loyalty ot Nienas and some other coaches who didn't hold up their end of the deal is the biggest point to look at.

Change will come, either we start to win or our coach gets replaced. As dependant as the AD is on football revenue things can't stay the same.
I think there is still a shot for him to turn it around, but he has to win the next 3. We keep talking about MM not being a RG hire, Well lets go one step further MM didnt recruit Sefo, if his job is on the line would he bench him and for who. Montez can play PAC FB but the kid cant be ready.
Is it to late for M2?

We know his personality isn't one of those emotional leader types (like Bill Mac was.)

The changes that need to be made aren't the kind of things that can be done instantly. So far he has been resistant to making a lot of needed changes. Outside of Leavitt and Tumpkins there have been no real staff changes.

This despite the obvious failure of Jeffcoat as a recruiter and Nienas at everything.

The youth excuse no longer applies yet we still see young player mistakes. I love Sefo but he is still throwing the same picks as he did as a freshman, that looks like a coaching issue to me. The still continue to try to run when they should pass and pass when they should run, coaching issue. Losing games on special teams, coaching issue.

I sense that M2 is going to need to win at least 5 this year to be secure in his job and I don't see 5 wins in our future.
His leash is now down to the collar for me. Another loss to CSU and I'm officially on the Fire Mac bandwagon.
Shouldn't we get past UMass before worrying about a loss to CSU? Flashback to 2012 when we lost to CSU and figured we'd heal up against Sacramento St...
His leash is now down to the collar for me. Another loss to CSU and I'm officially on the Fire Mac bandwagon.

While I haven't decided what my breaking point is with HCMM yet, a loss to CSU this season will be pretty tough to stomach.