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Predictions for RMS

Wait who beat who last year?

And want to know how this defines the difference between our programs? Your coach bolted to arguably the worst BCS coaching gig out there to get to a real school. Nebraska has NEVER won a single NCAA tournament game! Ever! Our coach is already at a real school and spurned Nebraska since he was the first choice, as well as Texas aTm last year. You do the math.
Well it is sinking in now for gasm. He has to resort to attacks because we have refuted everything he has said so far. It is a common defense mainly seen in the politics forum.

Gasm, we have nothing to be proud of at CU for the last few years besides an uprising MBB program. The koolaid has been beaten out of us. Many posters here would feel the same way as you if their team was the rams. But we are also outsiders looking at your program with an non-homer bias. Maybe our bias is a little on the other end but it is hard not to when you are spouting all these "truths."
Russell pays $500k. The Nike contract is going to be $1-2 million. So yeah, pretty big difference

This single post illustrates every flaw in your reasoning. Guess how long CU has been getting that Nike cash...almost twenty ****ing years. So big step-up for you guys. Finally. And, next, guess how large a percentage of our revenues that Nike cash is. 2%? If that. It will be about 30-40% of yours. And I assure you your Nike cash is less.
Did I miss something?
Sherard Harrington
"DC it has been real, heading back to my second home in Colorado in a few hours. Finally, get away from some fake individuals. However, It was good to see a lot of people faces especially my family. Now, I am gone back to handle business in the classroom and on the field. Thank you God for keeping me safe from the demons. DC show some support on Sept 2nd on ESPN we take on CSU check us out. God Bless!"
Gotta love the Elitist attitude from the CU fans. 10+ years of BCS money + recruiting has sure gotten you no where. A terrible football team that loses to Toledo and Montana State. A worse basketball program than CSU and a worse volleyball program. Looks like you have a lot to show for all that money.

CU doesn't have a lot of wins over the past six seasons. But CSU is in no position to throw stones.
As terrible as CU's football record is in terms of wins and losses over a five year period, there is hope and.optimism in Boulder. Wins and losses is not the only measurement of value. There is attendence. There is future value as measured by committed network contracts that guarantee television exposure. There is conference affiliation with a peer group that includes Stanford, USC, and other schools who regularly appear in polls, on TV, and on the wish lists of recruits. When compared to CSU, it is evident that CU is elite, relatively speaking.

Would CSU like to average 47k-49k attendence at home games? Would CSU like to be a member of a BCS conference? Of course CSU fans want that for themselves. CSU envies the ecosystem in which CU exists.

If CSU wants to get out from under CU's shadow, your fanbases has got to stand on its own two feet and operate as its own program. This attack on CU's athletic success, or lack thereof, is completely irrelevant to the fact that CSU is in a tough spot. No matter how much CU loses, it does nothing to help CSU to climb out of the ditch that you are in.

Russell pays $500k. The Nike contract is going to be $1-2 million. So yeah, pretty big difference
Meh. CU got $1-2 million from sending Embree and the boys out to Columbus to play the Ohio State body bag game last year.
Douchemud, first, congrats on your hoops win and early tourney exit. This is a football thread, and we've been wiping the field with you since Sal Aunese hit JoJo Collins in the end zone as time ran out at Hughes in '88.

Yes, there has been the occasional flash of ram victory, but remember, even when the lambs were invited to the governor's mansion in 1991 after winning the Freedom Bowl, they were STILL sucking hind teat because the AFA was being honored for winning the Liberty Bowl, and the Buffs received accolades for winning the Orange Bowl.

You may have seen bowls like that on TV. We went to three of them in my 4.5 years at CU. that's 3 more major bowls than CSU has ever been to for those of you scoring (or more accurately not scoring) in Ft. Collins.

Our fans are elitist?

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica]Subject: I like the rivalry but would rather have a bigger name BCS program[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica]Posted by: BeerFight on Wed May 30 2012 2:54:59 PM[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica]Message:Or one that's ranked. We've got to step up our schedule to get people excited
and... Win.
Did I miss something?
Sherard Harrington
"DC it has been real, heading back to my second home in Colorado in a few hours. Finally, get away from some fake individuals. However, It was good to see a lot of people faces especially my family. Now, I am gone back to handle business in the classroom and on the field. Thank you God for keeping me safe from the demons. DC show some support on Sept 2nd on ESPN we take on CSU check us out. God Bless!"

Yeah. I think I saw something about it being picked up nationally. I don't think I've seen before whether it would be an ESPN network or FSN.
Only a matter of time before Notre Dame, Texas and Michigan engage in a 3 way bidding war to play in CSU's new sandbox. Keep hope alive.

Or more games with North Dakota. Either way, really.
Only a matter of time before Notre Dame, Texas and Michigan engage in a 3 way bidding war to play in CSU's new sandbox. Keep hope alive.

Or more games with North Dakota. Either way, really.

Or how about a top ten Cal team. Maybe this time they can get over 30k.
Only a matter of time before Notre Dame, Texas and Michigan engage in a 3 way bidding war to play in CSU's new sandbox. Keep hope alive.

Or more games with North Dakota. Either way, really.

North Dakota is freaking unstoppable. The Bison fans are going to take over Hughes and hang half a hundred on the Rams. It will be like a home game for them. Or so I've heard.
North Dakota is freaking unstoppable. The Bison fans are going to take over Hughes and hang half a hundred on the Rams. It will be like a home game for them. Or so I've heard.

Don't you all know that the game between CSU and NDSU is the opener in their long series of conference games coming in the future. The only question is will that conference be the Big XII or the PAC.
Our fans are elitist?

I like his line of thinking actually. I think they should really go with this and end the series. Immediately. It's obviously not a good deal for them. They really do need to look at a bigger name BCS program. It's for their own good. I hope somebody is on the phone with Captain Jack right now and expressing his/her desire to drop the CU series.
I like his line of thinking actually. I think they should really go with this and end the series. Immediately. It's obviously not a good deal for them. They really do need to look at a bigger name BCS program. It's for their own good. I hope somebody is on the phone with Captain Jack right now and expressing his/her desire to drop the CU series.

Great point. They really should drop this series. They're rolling in cash, so they don't need it. And they don't seem to enjoy it anymore considering the lack of attendance and the anti-CU attitudes they have.
Can we get one of these for CSU?

I like his line of thinking actually. I think they should really go with this and end the series. Immediately. It's obviously not a good deal for them. They really do need to look at a bigger name BCS program. It's for their own good. I hope somebody is on the phone with Captain Jack right now and expressing his/her desire to drop the CU series.

Beer Fight is now my favorite Ramnation poster for suggesting CSU drop the series.

Both fan bases can build on this common goal.

AFA for a home and home, please.
Jack Graham thinks they can raise $250MM to $500MM with some debt financing.

I guess they predict a 22% increase in attendance.... which would only put them at 37k
Stadium drawings were released tonight


Getting some nice artist drawings is easy.

I still haven't heard where the money is coming from. For a program that thought the Stryker donation was their ticket to the big time fully funding this stadium is a huge step up from anything they have ever done before.

Even if they do build it they haven't shown anything to say they can fill it with fans either. It will likely end up as a huge white elephant. One of the most expensive stadiums in the FCS.
Jack Graham thinks they can raise $250MM to $500MM with some debt financing.

I guess they predict a 22% increase in attendance.... which would only put them at 37k

What kind of math moves an average attendance of around 22k (generous number based on the end of last season) with a 22% increase to 37k. I do agree that a new stadium will bring in an increase in attendance as will having it on campus. That said it isn't going to move them from under 23k to over 35k and when the losing continues most of those new fans will stop coming. Even if they were to go over 40k they still will be on the outside looking in, they don't have what the major conferences want and even the new stadium won't get them there.
Getting some nice artist drawings is easy.

I still haven't heard where the money is coming from. For a program that thought the Stryker donation was their ticket to the big time fully funding this stadium is a huge step up from anything they have ever done before.

Even if they do build it they haven't shown anything to say they can fill it with fans either. It will likely end up as a huge white elephant. One of the most expensive stadiums in the FCS.

They have to have donors lined up if they are this far down the line.

What is curious to me is the comments about debt financing. I don't know how they can be confident in their revenue streams to pursue such a thing - although rates are probably pretty good.
They have to have donors lined up if they are this far down the line.

What is curious to me is the comments about debt financing. I don't know how they can be confident in their revenue streams to pursue such a thing - although rates are probably pretty good.

How far down the line are they? Pretty pictures and a lot of big talk. I don't believe they have the donors lined up, if they did we would be hearing about it in more solid terms. I also share your doubts about the revenue streams.

Much more likely is this being a last gasp attempt to keep from being pushed to permanent obscurity and giving up their dreams of being a big-time program.
Elitist attitude with relation to CSU? Absolutely! We own you in all time series in every freaking sport by a wide margin! Your crap school couldn't hold our jock. We have a national championship in football, numerous conference championships and top 25 finishes, and dozens upon dozens of All Americans and NFL draft picks. Our worse basketball program owns yours all time. Hate to break it to you, but CU athletics didn't begin in 2006. Go back about another 120 years. We are better at everything, and it is only going to get worse for CSU. If you take your green colored glasses off and objectively looks at the two schools athletic programs historically you will understand what we are talking about. But you won't, because you aren't willing to concede to actual cold hard facts.

Ouch. Guess we won't be seeing omfjism for another month or so.
Yeah, its a risk/reward scenario but the bankruptcy scenario is effing hilarious. The new stadium is going to increase revenue for the athletic department/university by several millions.

If CSU can compile $530mil in a 3 year campaign for academics and roughly a billion in campus renovations, I don't think $ should be a problem.

If we win in Football, then it doesn't matter, the money problem will sort itself out. We already scrapping Russell for Nike. The $ in the AD is at an all time high

"If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, what a Merry Christmas we would all have.":rofl:

Sorry I'm behind the times here, but I couldn't let this one go without a comment.
How far down the line are they? Pretty pictures and a lot of big talk. I don't believe they have the donors lined up, if they did we would be hearing about it in more solid terms. I also share your doubts about the revenue streams.

Much more likely is this being a last gasp attempt to keep from being pushed to permanent obscurity and giving up their dreams of being a big-time program.

Pretty far....I think they can still move the bushes and trees over from Hughes, so they have those ready.
Gotta love the Elitist attitude from the CU fans. 10+ years of BCS money + recruiting has sure gotten you no where. A terrible football team that loses to Toledo and Montana State. A worse basketball program than CSU and a worse volleyball program. Looks like you have a lot to show for all that money.

When the hell did volleyball become the measuring stick for success?

All time football record we own you and always will. A huge chunk of your athletic budget comes from that stupid game in Denver, and CSU fan does not even attend it. CU fan is sick of subsidizing your crappy program and your 14 fans. Your rival is Wyoming. Just accept it and move on.